So Taco Bell has those five-layer burritos for 89 cents that they've been advertising lately. I love the commercials, so I tried one. They're not that great. Still, though...only 89 cents.
My niece Sophia likes my computer. The first time she saw it, I put on Yo Gabba Gabba and we watched a few short videos from their website together. Now whenever she sees the computer, she asks, "Gabba?" and waits for me to turn on the videos again. I've got to keep hiding my poor computer so she doesn't try to turn it on herself.
It's nice in Phoenix. Not "go tanning and become a beautiful bronze goddess" nice, but sunny and sometimes a little too hot. I think I could always live somewhere nice and warm. Dry, desert warmth is my favorite, but I like the beach too. Except the ocean. I do not like the ocean. I just like to stare at it and hear the waves' crashing roar before it creeps me out too much and I have to stop looking. Then I turn to the sun. It's amazing what the sun can do: it burns too fiery hot from billions of miles away and then it pushes its heat and light down on us so that we get just the right amount of comfort and power from its radiance. No wonder we look to the sun as a representation of the Son of God.
I've decided that cherry pie is my favorite kind of pie. But I still love almost all pies. Except pumpkin. I've never tried pecan before, but it looks so gross that I don't think I will unless someone swears that it's delicious on a stick. That's not likely to happen since it looks so ick. Something I've learned: always judge a book by its cover when it comes to food. Gross-looking food is gross-tasting too. And if it has a gross name, it's probably sick too, like chorizo. Gross.
Well, those are my musings for the morning. Hope the rest of the day brings more contemplations. I love not having to work or think on Mondays.