I love sleeping in. It doesn't happen anymore. Last night, being a Friday night and being that I finished a freelance project early, Josh and I celebrated by sitting down together after Scarlet's bedtime and watching a little TV. We stayed up later than we normally do, finally closing down the computer at midnight and stumbling off to bed.
Scarlet doesn't understand the notion of a late night or a late morning and she can't tell the difference between a weekday and a weekend just yet, so she was up and rarin' to go at 7 this morning. Perfect. Because Josh wasn't feeling well and because he gets up with her every morning, I went to get her this morning.
I made her a bottle and brought it in to her room. She was very happy to see me. (Granted, she would be happy to see a homeless person if it meant they could take her out of her crib.) We moved to the living room where I changed her diaper while she ate. Thinking over the activities I had planned today, I realized that my life is completely different from what it used to be.
I used to look forward to Saturdays as a time to do nothing at all or to see where the day took me with no particular plan.Today I have to catch up on Nanowrimo for two hours since I didn't write last night, then I have the primary program from 10 to noon. Then I have to work on my MBA capstone project from 12:30 to 3:30, then I get a bit of a break and will go see a movie with Rachel, then I have laundry, dishes, and cleaning in preparation for my family coming into town next week. Josh and I also need to go grocery shopping.
It's a busy day and I'm kind of dreading most of these plans, but I guess that's my life now. I just need to get through it. Who knew it would be the weekdays I look forward to after I had a baby?