So it's partly my fault. I have really come to appreciate the AWESOMENESS that is sugar and this being the holidays and all, sugar is all around me in beautiful abundance. I also blame Scarlet a little. She makes me crave sugary snacks on a level that I never experienced before she came around. But whoever gets to take credit for my getting bigger (baby and sugar), it's indisputable that I have grown larger.
This is what happens when you're pregnant so I'm not totally freaked out, but I am a woman so this affects me psychologically on a daily basis. Now that I've finally outed my pregnancy to the world, I feel vindicated for having a chubbier face and bigger arms and a waist that doesn't look like a waist anymore. The worst part? People tell me all the time that I don't look any different. Even people who knew I was pregnant way back before I was showing. That is probably true--maybe I don't look any different to them. But I am tying rubber bands around my largest-size jeans so I can squeeze into them still. I have gained 15 pounds. I have broken the zipper on my favorite dress trying to wedge myself into it, and I have an entire wardrobe of high-waisted zippered skirts and dresses that I can no longer fit into. So just what did everyone think I looked like before I was pregnant?! Did they always see me as this obese, sugar-eating monster who tips the scale each week and cries into her donuts?
Wow, I could really go for a donut right about now...
Camilla, you're pregnant!! Congratulations! Exciting news. I know what you mean about the weight gain thing . . . I gained like 60 pounds in my pregnancy and am just barely back to pre-pregnancy weight. Argh. Sugar is just so excellent when there is a baby in your belly!