Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Biggest Loser

I think I'm a mean-spirited person sometimes. Josh and I like to watch the Biggest Loser, which is a totally acceptable thing to do, but I don't seem to be watching it the way it was intended to be viewed. The show is intended to motivate its viewers to lose weight and to be active (ironically by watching a television show).  This intention is completely lost on me. I can't seem to watch a single episode without eating something terribly bad for me. Tonight Josh and I enjoyed some rainbow sherbet ice cream and then we polished that off with some German chocolate cake. Although incredibly delicious, those food choices did not help my own weight.

But Biggest Loser is so strange in that it makes me feel more comfortable with my body. I just feel so happy knowing that I'm nowhere near as big as the men and women who audition for the show. Right now the show is in its sixth week, which is halfway through the program. Six weeks into the program, most of the people on the show are still significantly heavier than I am, and I'm nine months pregnant. I'm pretty sure that makes me a mean-spirited person. I do look forward to their successes and I get really happy to see their dramatic physical changes over the course of a few weeks, but I probably shouldn't be cheering them on while devouring ice cream on my living room sofa.

1 comment:

  1. I know, right? Hoarders has the same effect on me. It makes me feel like I don't really need to clean because my house is miles better than the ones on the show.
