Thursday, June 20, 2013


So I have a schedule in the mornings. I wake up at 6:30, feed Scarlet, get dressed, eat breakfast, make the bed, and sign in to work by 7:00. This schedule is perfect because Josh doesn't leave for work until 7:30, so I have time enough to get ready for the day while he plays with Scarlet. When I need to shower, I wait until Josh leaves for work, Scarlet has had her second feeding of the day, and she goes down for her nap. That gives me time to take a 15-minute break from work to jump in the shower.

Flash back to last night. While doing the dishes, Josh and I noticed an unpleasant smell and a slight pooling of water in the corner of the kitchen where the washer and dryer should go. We don't have a washer and dryer, so we just put our laundry basket and our laundry detergent there. It turns out the faucet-looking things that are supposed to connect to the washer and provide water were leaking down our walls and soaking our tile. So we called Scott our landlord and he said he'd be by to check on them, not specifying when.

Back to this morning, I am feeding Scarlet just before putting her down for her nap when Josh sends me a text saying to make sure I'm ready in case Scott shows up today. I smile because I know I will be ready in ten minutes as soon as I can get Scarlet to sleep. She goes to sleep, I go into the bathroom to shower, and a knock comes from the front door.


Scott's timing is just awful.

1 comment:

  1. Don't you hate when routines get messed up? Your schedule sounds wonderful, though. I can't wit to get where you are. It must be blissful when all the stars align! Even when the stars align for us right now, that just means I left the house without looking like a disheveled mess. For you to get work down at this point is phenomenal!
