Seriously. Or at least the walls of our apartment are very thin. I am home for most of the day and night, so I hear just how often this grown man shouts into a phone or yells at his xbox. He also swears a lot. And why isn't he at work during the day? I've never met the guy but I feel like I know him really well and I don't care for him much. It makes me miss our old apartment with the brick walls because almost no sound could ever get through that. I was on a school group phone call this afternoon and my neighbor decided to play some very loud grunge rock--who even listens to that anymore?!--so I had to go hide out in Scarlet's room in order to hear my team members discuss our schoolwork.
Speaking of schoolwork, this past week was just exhausting. I spoke with a course mentor twice before resubmitting four tasks. Two of them have since been returned to me. Guess I'll be talking to him a third time. *sigh* I also submitted three tasks of another class, one of which was passed, one that is still being evaluated, and one I resubmitted when it was returned to me this afternoon. I'm used to resubmissions--I often don't understand the level of detail the evaluator is looking for, so I expect at least half of my tasks to be returned to me before I get it right. I no longer see it as an embarrassment, frustration, or weakness--I just misinterpret what the prompt asks me to do. It's more a fault of my picking apart a question than anything else. So that was fun today. I also talked on the phone with my team for four hours and had to call back in because my phone battery died. Then I worked on an assignment for my team for another hour and a half.
I don't love doing schoolwork on my one day off and I certainly don't love having Josh play with my baby all day while I'm cooped up in the back room, but I love the idea of getting things accomplished. It gives me so much satisfaction that I can't stop thinking about all the other things I can accomplish to the point that I sit up in bed at midnight to type out my mundane thoughts rather than sleep after such a stressful day. This week I'm hoping to complete two tasks, a debriefing, four simulation rounds, and some of the work for my capstone project. I'm getting close to the end. Even my mentor has started to believe in me. She has never had confidence before because I don't work well on a regular basis--I go a couple months without doing anything, then I blitz through a ton of stuff, and then I fizzle out again. It took me two months to even start working on my first class. But now my mentor agrees with me when I say I'll get everything done this term. She may even have more faith in me than I do at the moment. But that's only because I sometimes panic at how much I have left to do and how nobody starts their capstone with so many classes left to work on...My mentor doesn't witness these freak-out sessions; she just hears my confidence when I assure her each week that I'm working hard.
Today after my group call, Josh and I bought Scarlet some warmer winter clothes and a larger car seat. She's bursting out of her other one. We weighed her and she's two pounds shy of the cutoff, so I guess it makes sense that she no longer fits in it. She's just grown so big in the last couple of weeks. I think it's the formula. My little fatty. She also has a bit of a runny nose and has been a little irritable, which isn't like her. I think she might actually be teething at last. That, or she has a slight cold from the changing seasons. I gave her two teething tablets before bed just in case. She's just so cute. Today at the store I called her my little Smeagol because her hair grows at different rates all over her head and she looked especially Gollum-like at the time. It's an affectionate term, I swear. I wish we could dress her up like Smeagol for Halloween, but that would probably take like a ton of costume makeup and I don't want to smear that stuff all over her. But I'll think of something fun. Josh and I are toying with the idea of doing a family costume theme this year. Josh NEVER dresses up for Halloween, but somehow having a baby to match you makes it more fun so he's game. His vote is to do a Dr. Who theme and dress her as some sort of cyberborg alien thing. They're like the bad men in the show. He'd go as Dr. Who, of course, which leaves me to go as...the Tardis.
Yeah, that's not happening.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Friday, September 27, 2013
This is what happens when I wait to put Scarlet down for her nap.
She starts to drift while lying next to me on the bed, so I move her to my arms...
...where she promptly falls asleep. She's just like her daddy--she can sleep anywhere!
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Sometimes a lie really comes back to bite you in the...sometimes it's bad to lie. Well, it's always bad to lie, but sometimes the repercussions are more immediate. I was on the phone this morning with my student mentor, having our weekly update meeting. I was telling her I had completed a class "behind the scenes" and wanted her to pull the class into my term so I could accelerate it and get it out of the way. This was sort of a lie because technically I had only completed two of the three tasks. I lied because I knew I could finish the last task in one day and the last time my mentor pulled a class into my term, it took three days to manifest itself in Taskstream. So I figured I had three days to complete the final task.
It took ten minutes.
So I find myself even busier tonight than I had originally anticipated, at the end of a busy day. On top of an extremely busy day at work, a lunchtime appointment with my periodontist, and a trying day with Scarlet, I had a two-hour phone call with my team for a different class this evening (missing book club, which completely devastated me) and I now have to complete the final task in the last hour before bedtime. Which is why I'm eating pineapple sorbet and blogging. Because it's important not to burn out. :)
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Yesterday I took a long lunch to go get a gum graft at my periodontist. The procedure was straightforward: cut a small piece of skin from the roof of my mouth, place it over my teeth where I had brushed so vigorously that I had worn away some of my natural gum covering, and stitch up both areas. It was a bizarrely simple appointment. I was home in just over an hour and I was even able to drive myself home. They numbed my mouth and within minutes I was watching the doctor tug and pull and wipe up questionable drops of mysterious liquid from my tongue. It was such a cool experience but the numbing medicine wore off within the hour and then it sucked royally.
I had to work for three more hours before I could take a nap.
I took a Percocet and fell asleep for an hour and then I was right as rain. I ate pizza on the other side of my mouth (took me half an hour to eat one slice so I didn't bother with a second slice) and went to the park with my sister and my niece. It was a fun night but I kept hoping that my bravado wasn't going to come back to kick me in the pants. It didn't. I fell asleep easily when I went to bed and this morning I'm just slightly swollen and in no pain.
Now I just need to do well enough to make it to tomorrow's in-office all-staff meeting at work and then I can take the weekend to recover.
I had to work for three more hours before I could take a nap.
I took a Percocet and fell asleep for an hour and then I was right as rain. I ate pizza on the other side of my mouth (took me half an hour to eat one slice so I didn't bother with a second slice) and went to the park with my sister and my niece. It was a fun night but I kept hoping that my bravado wasn't going to come back to kick me in the pants. It didn't. I fell asleep easily when I went to bed and this morning I'm just slightly swollen and in no pain.
Now I just need to do well enough to make it to tomorrow's in-office all-staff meeting at work and then I can take the weekend to recover.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Brianna and Katelyn Come for a Visit
In July, Josh and I picked up Nana and Katie and played host for a week. It was a lovely week. We went to the library and the park, the pool, the mall, and the farm. We celebrated Katie's birthday with a giant Costco cake that she selected, we went shopping and Nana got new shoes while Katie picked out a birthday present. We went to the pool twice where Josh and I burned but the girls just got browner (Vegas skin). We naturally put sunscreen on the girls and the baby but were dumb enough to not use any ourselves. Here are some photos of our adventures in no particular order:
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All ready for church on Sunday |
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I got to play with their hair and it was so much fun! Nana is sporting a lovely sock bun and Katie has 1" curls cascading down her back. They are both so gorgeous. |
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Wheeler Farm let us milk a cow. Katie was too shy to try it, but I did it, Josh did it, and Nana did it. You can actually see the stream of milk coming down! |
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She's a natural! |
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They played in the creek at one of the parks we visited. |
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Katie was amazing with Scarlet. She could just hold her and the baby would fall asleep. It was the sweetest thing. |
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Native Las Vegans will understand this: we had a freak rainstorm and the girls ran out so they could use umbrellas and splash around in the parking lot. |
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Feeding the ducks and geese and Wheeler Farm. |
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We found some turkeys at the farm. |
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Wagon ride. |
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Wagon ride. |
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Cows have a very pungent scent. The girls did not appreciate it. |
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They played with that horse forever. |
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Seriously. If they could have adopted that horse, they would have. I finally made them leave it because I got bored waiting around. |
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Waaaay too much cake for two girls. |
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That's Nana diving. |
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And Katie diving with Josh overseeing. |
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Scarlet was just pooped. |
We had amazing adventures and I wish they would come back so we could do it all over again.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
It's my birthday today! And what a great day it's been. I logged in to work and played with Scarlet and went out for lunch with my mother-in-law. I got a million texts, calls, and IMs wishing me a happy day, and all that good energy really helped to make the day positive (I don't know--I like to think it improved the day. It made me feel happy, in any case). After work my sister arrived for an out-of-state visit and we went grocery shopping and made a vegetable-heavy healthy dinner. Then we rewarded ourselves with Sub-Zero ice cream, although I didn't actually have any since Josh and I had plans. We went home, I fed my baby, and my sister babysat while Josh and I went out to the Melting Pot for some chocolate fondue.
What a great day. And tomorrow I have the call with my mentor in which I get to brag about completing my entire class. Life is just too sweet right now.
What a great day. And tomorrow I have the call with my mentor in which I get to brag about completing my entire class. Life is just too sweet right now.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Weekend Schoolwork Blitz Report
I finished working on school yesterday at 11:00 p.m. I wrapped things up by producing the lamest powerpoint I think I've ever made. It won't matter--it has all the elements required to make the evaluators happy. I just don't put any effort into explaining my slides since I do extensive presenter notes on the side. It's also very plain. My sister would be very disappointed with me.
But I did it. Twelve hours on Saturday, a break for the Holy Sabbath, and fifteen more hours on Monday. Poor Josh had baby duty almost exclusively on both of those days and he was in charge of meals (fast food hamburgers and pizza, respectively), but we both made it through. I seriously could not have gotten through so much work without his help. I think he was surprised by how much statistics that class had. We both agree it was significantly more difficult than Financial Analysis, which is supposedly the math-crazed demon class of the whole program. I didn't think Financial Analysis was very hard and it didn't take me very long to complete it, but Decision Analysis really took me down. One highlight of the course was my text to Josh after he had gone to work this morning: "Oy. You're going to have to help with the least squares method. I found the information in the textbook but somehow I projected next quarter's sales to be over 2 million dollars when the last nine quarters were around $100,000. Cannot for the life of me figure out how I screwed up." That happened. I still don't know what I did wrong.
But I'm pleased to announce that with the addition of a couple of hours this morning, I have completed my entire Decision Analysis class. In two and a half days. It was hard to miss out on my family, but I am so so glad I chose to stay in and work this weekend. It truly was "labor" day weekend for me (har), but now I can sit back and enjoy my birthday knowing I accomplished something worth doing.
But I did it. Twelve hours on Saturday, a break for the Holy Sabbath, and fifteen more hours on Monday. Poor Josh had baby duty almost exclusively on both of those days and he was in charge of meals (fast food hamburgers and pizza, respectively), but we both made it through. I seriously could not have gotten through so much work without his help. I think he was surprised by how much statistics that class had. We both agree it was significantly more difficult than Financial Analysis, which is supposedly the math-crazed demon class of the whole program. I didn't think Financial Analysis was very hard and it didn't take me very long to complete it, but Decision Analysis really took me down. One highlight of the course was my text to Josh after he had gone to work this morning: "Oy. You're going to have to help with the least squares method. I found the information in the textbook but somehow I projected next quarter's sales to be over 2 million dollars when the last nine quarters were around $100,000. Cannot for the life of me figure out how I screwed up." That happened. I still don't know what I did wrong.
But I'm pleased to announce that with the addition of a couple of hours this morning, I have completed my entire Decision Analysis class. In two and a half days. It was hard to miss out on my family, but I am so so glad I chose to stay in and work this weekend. It truly was "labor" day weekend for me (har), but now I can sit back and enjoy my birthday knowing I accomplished something worth doing.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Summer School: Update
So it's 1:10 a.m. on Sunday the first of September. I have officially finished the first day of my crazy-lots-of-schoolwork weekend blitz. I'm not even tired because it's just so surreal that I got through it all.
This morning I woke up around 7:00 a.m. to feed Scarlet, after which Josh took her into the living room and they played together while I slept in. At the glorious and surprisingly late hour of 10:30, I arose officially and came into the living room to join them. Josh was playing a video game and Scarlet was ready for another meal and a nap. After she went to sleep, I had a late bowl of breakfast cereal and goofed off online for a couple of hours, procrastinating the hour I would begin my crazy-lots-of-schoolwork weekend blitz marathon. Scarlet woke up from her nap and needed to be fed again before I finally got down to work around 1 p.m. With the exceptions of meal breaks and Scarlet-feedings, I worked diligently through my Decision Analysis course, swearing to Josh I would not rest until I had completed not one, but two tasks. This class is by far the most difficult class I have taken in the MBA program. Josh has had to help teach me the Greek alphabet and explain the mathematical equations so I can answer some of the task prompts. By 7:30 p.m. I had completed the first task. By 1:00 a.m. I had finished the second one.
Now I get to sleep and enjoy a schoolwork-free Sabbath before knuckling down again on Monday. With VERY good luck, I will get through the next two tasks and put this nightmare class behind me. I took a peek at the next two tasks: the third one doesn't look like it'll take too terribly long but then the fourth one is in a class all its own. I'm not going to lie--I'm quite nervous over the fourth task.
But then it will all be over, and I'll have one more class knocked off of my dwindling list. Missing out on my family this weekend was a tough decision to make, but I'm determined to make it worth it. Hooray for three-day weekends and crazy-lots-of-schoolwork weekend blitzes!
This morning I woke up around 7:00 a.m. to feed Scarlet, after which Josh took her into the living room and they played together while I slept in. At the glorious and surprisingly late hour of 10:30, I arose officially and came into the living room to join them. Josh was playing a video game and Scarlet was ready for another meal and a nap. After she went to sleep, I had a late bowl of breakfast cereal and goofed off online for a couple of hours, procrastinating the hour I would begin my crazy-lots-of-schoolwork weekend blitz marathon. Scarlet woke up from her nap and needed to be fed again before I finally got down to work around 1 p.m. With the exceptions of meal breaks and Scarlet-feedings, I worked diligently through my Decision Analysis course, swearing to Josh I would not rest until I had completed not one, but two tasks. This class is by far the most difficult class I have taken in the MBA program. Josh has had to help teach me the Greek alphabet and explain the mathematical equations so I can answer some of the task prompts. By 7:30 p.m. I had completed the first task. By 1:00 a.m. I had finished the second one.
Now I get to sleep and enjoy a schoolwork-free Sabbath before knuckling down again on Monday. With VERY good luck, I will get through the next two tasks and put this nightmare class behind me. I took a peek at the next two tasks: the third one doesn't look like it'll take too terribly long but then the fourth one is in a class all its own. I'm not going to lie--I'm quite nervous over the fourth task.
But then it will all be over, and I'll have one more class knocked off of my dwindling list. Missing out on my family this weekend was a tough decision to make, but I'm determined to make it worth it. Hooray for three-day weekends and crazy-lots-of-schoolwork weekend blitzes!
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