Thursday, September 12, 2013


Yesterday I took a long lunch to go get a gum graft at my periodontist. The procedure was straightforward: cut a small piece of skin from the roof of my mouth, place it over my teeth where I had brushed so vigorously that I had worn away some of my natural gum covering, and stitch up both areas. It was a bizarrely simple appointment. I was home in just over an hour and I was even able to drive myself home. They numbed my mouth and within minutes I was watching the doctor tug and pull and wipe up questionable drops of mysterious liquid from my tongue. It was such a cool experience but the numbing medicine wore off within the hour and then it sucked royally.

I had to work for three more hours before I could take a nap.

I took a Percocet and fell asleep for an hour and then I was right as rain. I ate pizza on the other side of my mouth (took me half an hour to eat one slice so I didn't bother with a second slice) and went to the park with my sister and my niece. It was a fun night but I kept hoping that my bravado wasn't going to come back to kick me in the pants. It didn't. I fell asleep easily when I went to bed and this morning I'm just slightly swollen and in no pain.

Now I just need to do well enough to make it to tomorrow's in-office all-staff meeting at work and then I can take the weekend to recover.

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