Saturday, February 22, 2014

True Love

In honor of Valentine's Day (one full week late), I dedicate this blog post to admitting that I have finally discovered what true love really is. Sure, Josh and I love each other forever and always and all that, but it's taken these past three and a half years to really understand that love. It keeps changing so I'm not ever certain I have a grasp on what it means. I think I've got it now. Here are my observations:

True love is waking up early on the weekends to take care of the baby so your wife can sleep in on her days off.

True love is buying symphony and opera tickets for your wife's Christmas present and then snoozing quietly beside her in the semi-darkness while she enjoys the experience.

True love is spending money you don't want to spend to eat out at that restaurant you're so tired of visiting because it is your wife's favorite.

True love is working 5-10 extra hours a week for months on end so your family can save up for an amazing vacation.

True love is Josh providing this limitless service again and again every day since the day we first fell in love. Sometimes I get really mad at him and sometimes I tease him and sometimes I joke with others about his goofiness and his quirks, but I am irrevocably in love with him because he has shown me what true love is.

I love you, Josh.

1 comment:

  1. This is so sweet. I have met Josh all of two times but I already love him for being so awesome to you.
