Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Joining the Ranks of the Gainfully Employed

So the census called me yesterday. Or rather, a man who worked for the census called me from Provo yesterday to ask me if I were really interested in becoming an enumerator. I answered in the affirmative. Now I'm an enumerator.

The work itself probably won't start until May, but in the meantime, I have training next Tuesday-Friday. I'm worried about the location. It could be in Vernal, Roosevelt, Duchesne, or Provo. And I have no way to get to any of those places. I hope everything works out and I can actually go.

Also, I start my free-lance writing next Monday. Hooray! It'll be awesome to pad my resume with an actual writing gig, even if it's a do-it-yourself website that I'll be working for. I just finished a book called "The Help" that I keep thinking of when I think of this newest job. The book takes place in the 60s where this wannabe white writer who lives in Mississippi got a job at her local newspaper, but the only position they would give to a woman was this cleaning column. Well, the girl had never cleaned because she lived on a working plantation, so she had to go around asking advice from black maids around town. There was a bunch of civil rights in the book, but I only think about the white girl, because I'm kind of cheating the same way she is. I don't know how to insulate an attic or make my own cleaning supplies. For every article I write, I have to actually research the answers first and then try not to plagiarize my words. It's gonna be fun.

Anyway, I am so grateful that these jobs came. Hopefully I'll be able to get another job here in Vernal to supplement my paycheck. Then I can save up and go back to school! Hooray! *sigh* I miss school. I tried to sign up for spring classes, but BYU requires immediate payment for independent study classes. Grr. A short-term loan would really go a long way in this case. But anyway.

And after training next week, there's Disneyland! Hooray!!!!! I LOVE DISNEYLAND!

But first work. :)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Let Them Eat Cake

Cupcakes are the most delicious things in the WORLD! I wouldn't ordinarily say this, considering how there are Kit Kats and British chocolate and devil's food cake also in the world, but in this case I believe I can safely boast that the cupcakes at the Cocoa Bean have been sent to Provo to bless my life.

I first tried a magical chocolate-y cupcake in Rexburg when I went to visit my awesome friend Ann (Shout out to you, Ann! That weekend ROCKED!). Then I bid the beautiful shop adieu and cried my way back to Provo.

But who could have imagined that a mere semester later, the cupcake business would have boomed enough to allow for a new branch to open in Provo? That's right, ladies and gentlemen: Provo has a new shop in town. And it's name is cupcakes.

So last night, upon making a very, very, VERY too-short visit to Provo this past Saturday and Sunday, one of the coolest people ever (you know who you are, Rachel Penelope Bohman!) suggested that we stop at the cupcake place and view a brief glimpse of heaven.

And we did. Ahhhhhhh, manna from heaven couldn't have been as wonderful as the chocolate raspberry confection that I split with my fiance. In fact, manna was probably worse than what we ate, since that stuff is supposed to be disappearing-and-reappearing bread. Isn't it? Or something like that? Wait, was it bread-ish? I can't remember now...

In any case, I'm writing this blog at 6:19 in the morning because I am wide awake and yet dreaming of delicious magical cupcakes. I guess my point is that the Cocoa Bean is beautiful.

And the Old Testament is confusing.