Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Blue Badge of Stupid

So at work last Friday I was walking through the wedding dresses to get to the front desk, and the racks are positioned really close together, so I was squeezing through rather quickly to avoid getting claustrophobic. I was going so quickly, it seems, that I failed to notice the rack of bowties hanging up on the wall, the one with hooks that jut out two inches. My arm noticed them. It took a few days, but I finally have a gigantic bruise on my left arm. It's seriously huge and kinda awesome. After Bertha you'd think I'd be extra cautious. Nah. I like my badges of stupid.


  1. Just wait till it becomes the green and yellow badge of grossness.

  2. Josh, that's nasty.

    Camilla, I always feel like if I'm going to get hurt, I at least want a good bruise to show for it. It just sounds better to say "My arm is sore. Look at this bruise," than to say "My arm is sore. Really, it hurts. Yes, I know you can't see anything. It still hurts."

  3. I had the most impressive bruise ever a week or so ago! I didn't even know about it for a couple days, because I was on trek and wearing a long skirt and bloomers. then I got home and found a gigantic bruise on the back of my leg. I don't even know how it got there! I felt so hardcore
